Finalist Ideas

Urban Hockey

by Field Hockey Club “Žuvėdra”

At the time of the final conference, the audience decided that Urban Hockey idea is the winner idea for refugee integration.

Urban Hockey – is to hold field hockey sessions in different historically important spots throughout Vilnius. This way, refugees and locals together would learn hockey skills while learning about the history of Vilnius.

The “Žuvėdra” team received coupons for sports equipment, a football and project t-shirts.

The implementation of hockey sessions starts in spring, 2019.

Poster by field hockey club ``Žuvėdra``

Fight For Equal Rights

by Fencing Academy

Second place winner. The main idea here is to provide free fencing classes for refugees. The representative from Fencing Academy was invited to present the ideas and received prizes – coupons for sports equipment, a football, project t-shirts.

Poster by Fencing Academy

The Sports Together Contest was held to ensure a continuation of refugee integration through sports initiatives.